1. Hi Gabriel and Adry–This is Dann and Sarah in Cleveland. We wanted to reconfirm that you are welcome to stay with us when you visit Cleveland later this month. We don’t know if we left our information for you. Our phone number is 440-845-5703. We live at 9403 Elsmere Drive, Parma, Ohio 44103. Our email address sarahssmile@cox.net. (Note–two s’s in the middle.) There is also a Walmart a few blocks away if you’d rather stay there–ha!

    We contacted the Cleveland Indians today and happened to talk to Matt Williams who you met in Atlanta when you were there. He has also been following your adventures just like we have. He said you already have his contact information. We hope the Indians are planning a good visit for you.

    We are happy to help out in any way for your visit (laundry, meals, etc.) Just let us know how we can help. We can also show you some of the sights of Cleveland as well. The original ballpark of Cleveland just re-opened–it is League Park where Babe Ruth, Cy Young, and Shoeless Joe Jackson played (that was also the name of our dog!)

    Have a great time as you travel around the Great Lakes. Let us know how we can help out when you come to Cleveland. Dann and Sarah Sieradzki

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